Edward Buck & Family
Missionaries to France
Our ministry in France involves reaching the lost and training the believers through media. We have had many opportunities to share the Gospel and to train the French believers how to reach their communities. We look forward to what God will do here in France. Thank you very much for partnering with us to see the lost saved in France.
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Why France?
While there are many areas in the world that need to hear the Gospel, the nation of France is one of the least evangelized nations in the world.
France has 67 million people and 99% of them do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
94% of towns in France do not have a single Evangelical church.
69% of French people do not own a Bible.
79% of French people are atheist or agnostic.
For every pastor in France there are more than 40 mediums.
The French people spend 4 billion euros (4.7 billion dollars) every year on spiritism.
There are 60 million people in France who have:
- Never gone to church.
- Never heard of salvation in Jesus Christ.
- Never heard of the possibility of having their sin forgiven.
- Never heard of the Gospel.
- Never heard of the Hope of Eternal Life.
- Never heard that they are going to a Christ-less eternity.

Who Are We?
In September 1998, God issued a call to my wife and I to serve as missionaries. After graduating from Bible school and being on staff at Brownsville Assembly of God, in March 2005 we became missionaries to the Netherlands helping to plant an international church in the town of Hilversum.
In December 2010 we arrived in Lyon, France, where we partnered with the only A/G church in Lyon, a city of about 2 million people, to plant another church. This church plant is actively involved in reaching out to their community through street evangelism, a food pantry, and a suicide hotline.
In October 2015, we moved to the city of Troyes, France. We partner with a French evangelist to see the lost saved and equip the local believers to reach their communities. We also produce TV programs to strengthen believers, and to reach non-believers. These programs are broadcast online, over satellite networks, and on regular broadcast stations throughout the French-speaking world. We also help train pastors and local congregations through video and then help them reach nearby communities with outreach events.
In 2022, we moved to La Villeneuve-au-Chêne, an area without any church of any denomination. In addition to using media to reach the lost, we are meeting people, making connections, sharing the love of Christ in our town, while planting a church in our home.
Will you partner with us, through prayer and finances, to reach the unreached in France? Will you prayerfully consider joining us to see the need first-hand? Together we can fulfill the Great Commission.
Video Update
Look what God is doing in France with your help!
Download this video here: https://s1.ag.org/buck-video-update
Our ministry in France involves media ministry and street evangelism. We have had many opportunities to share the Gospel and we are looking forward to even more. Thank you very much for partnering with us to see the lost saved in France.
Get in touch
US Address:
5753 Highway 85N #334
Crestview, FL 32536
Field Address:
4 rue Borde
10140 La Villeneuve-au-Chêne
- edward@sendthefire.org
- 850-325-0025 (US number that rings in France)
- 011-33-770-72-74-00 (French cell, as dialed from US)
- AGWM account 266656