We are very grateful to everyone who is praying for us and supporting us financially. Every success is made possible by your support.
The work in France is great, and we can’t do it alone. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us to help us bring the Gospel to France? Your monthly commitment and/or special offerings are greatly appreciated! It is only through our partnership that we are able to live and work here in France.
To partner with us by making a monthly commitment, complete the commitment form online, then begin giving using one of the methods below.
Or if you prefer, you can download a printable commitment form. Then complete it and fax or mail it in.
If you would like to donate, you can give by any of the methods listed below:
You can give online, either a special offering or a recurring gift, by clicking here.
If you want to set up automatic giving by credit card, but don’t want to do it online, you can download a form by clicking here. Then, simply fill it out and mail it in.
To mail your donation, just send a check or money order to the address listed below. Please be sure to include my name and account number on the memo line on your check (Edward Buck – 266656)
Make checks payable to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
Acct. # 266656
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802-1894